2025 Project Narrative Summer Institute “Narrative Theory: Foundations and Innovations,” June 2-13.

Institute Co-Directors:

James Phelan, Distinguished University Professor of English and and Katra Byram, Distinguished University Professor of German Language and Literature

“Foundations and Innovations” may conjure up the terminology of “classical” and “postclassical” narratology, but at PNSI 2025 we have something different—and more dynamic—in mind. Rather than orienting the field around distinct periods, we’ll explore it by setting up feedback loops among strong theories, primary narratives in different media, and their implicit challenges to theory and interpretation. We’ll range from Aristotle’s Poetics to contemporary rhetorical poetics, from Genette’s structuralism to feminist and queer narratology, from early cognitive narratology to current work in Econarratology.  As we do, we’ll also consider how the strong theories relate to each other: do they conflict with or complement each other? Or are they undertaking fundamentally different kinds of inquiries. Our primary texts will include fictional and nonfictional narratives in print, comics, and film.  We’ll also build in time for participants to workshop their own innovative—and newly foundational—projects.


To Apply:

Applicants should send a current CV, a short description of the proposed project (no longer than a single-spaced page), and one letter of recommendation to Project Narrative by April 15, 2025. Applications will be reviewed promptly after the deadline. If, in order to meet funding deadlines, applicants need an earlier decision, the co-directors will consider special requests for early action. Applications can be emailed to projectnarrative@osu.edu or sent by post to the following address:

421 Denney Hall Attn: James Phelan, Project Narrative 164 Annie and John Glenn Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 

Please email projectnarrative@osu.edu with any questions about applying.


Tuition for the 2025 Project Narrative Summer Institute is $1900. The co-directors will gladly write in support of participants’ applications for funding from home institutions.

Accessibility Statement:

Project Narrative is committed to accessibility and ensuring that all programming is welcoming to all participants. We will actively be taking steps, including providing live transcription, to ensure that the virtual format is accessible. Again, please reach out to Kayla Goldblatt, at projectnarrative@osu.edu with any questions or requests.

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