Professor Frederick Luis Aldama is currently working on an animation adaptation of his children's book, The Adventures of Chupacabra Charlie, the follow-up adventure in an ongoing series of children's books; his graphic novel, Labyrinths Borne; documentary films on Latinx comics and Latinx TV; two books on Latinx TV and two books on global comics; and curating nine different book series, including the trade press Latinographix with OSU Press.
Selected Recent Publications
- (Forthcoming) “Putting the Prose Nonfiction Back in Latinx Studies.” Prose Studies 2021.
- “Looking Back to the Future of Education.” PMLA, vol. 133, no. 3, May 2018, pp. 667-672.
- “It Could Have Been” with John Jennings. Tales from la Vida: A Latinographix Collection. Columbus: OSU Press, 2018.
- “The Challenge of Latinx SciFi.” Latinx Spaces (online), February 2018.
- “Latinos in Professional Sports and the Question of Arrival.” Co-authored with Christopher González. Journal of the West, vol. 54, no. 4, Fall 2015.