Project Narrative (PN) is a cluster of faculty, visiting scholars, and graduate students who work on narrative and narrative theory. With ten core faculty and over forty affiliated faculty from across the humanities and social sciences at OSU, we offer an extensive community of narrative scholars unparalleled anywhere else in the United States.
Project Narrative sponsors lectures, colloquia, and conferences at OSU, bringing specialists from all over the world to discuss developments in narrative theory. Every year we host Visiting Scholars as well as the Project Narrative Summer Institute, a professional development opportunity for faculty and advanced graduate students wanting to explore the usefulness of narrative theory in their teaching and research.
The PN core faculty offer courses on narrative in the English Department at graduate and undergraduate levels. They serve as advisors to graduate students working on many periods and genres, including digital media, the novel, nonfictional narrative, film and TV, and comics. Core faculty specialize in approaches including formalist narratology, cognitive and mind-centered narrative theory, neuroscientific studies of narrative, ethnographic narrative, visual narrative, feminist and queer narrative theory, ethnic and post colonial studies of narrative, and rhetorical narrative theory. Read more about core faculty current research.
Project Narrative-sponsored events are free and open to the public.