Professor James Phelan joins advisory board of Science & Fiction Lab

Professor James Phelan, Director of Project Narrative, has been named to the advisory board of the Science & Fiction Lab at Florida International University. The Science & Fiction Lab describes themselves and their mission as follows:
The humanities and STEM are thought of as two different star systems, when in fact they are not only complementary but intertwined.
FIU’s Science & Fiction Lab aspires to unify the cosmic view.
We aim to become the univers[e/ity]'s nexus for humanities-STEM curricular innovation by propagating humanistic content and methods throughout the undergraduate curriculum. The tools the Lab uses to lure the stars into perceptual alignment are {1} science fiction and {2} quantum narratology.
To learn more about the Science & Fiction Lab's lab techs and advisory board, visit their team webpage. Congratulations to Dr. Phelan!