This roundtable, featuring Susan Suleiman (Harvard University), Irene Kacandes (Dartmouth College), and James Phelan (The Ohio State University), will present the recently published collection of essays, After Testimony: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Narrative for the Future (The Ohio State University Press, 2012), co-edited by Jakob Lothe, Suleiman, and Phelan and recently named a Choice Outstanding Book of 2012. Jim will briefly place the work of the volume in the context of the larger research project from which it emerged, a project on "Narrative Theory and Analysis" funded by the Centre for Advanced Study in Oslo in 2005-06 and led by Jakob Lothe of the University of Oslo. Susan will then discuss the project of the volume in the context of Holocaust studies. Finally, the panelists will present versions of their essays for the volume: Irene Kacandes, "'When facts are scarce': Authenticating Strategies in Writing by Children of Survivors"; Susan Suleiman, "Performing a Perpetrator as Witness"; James Phelan, "The Ethics and Aesthetics of Backward Narration in Martin Amis's Time's Arrow."
This event is cosponsored by the Melton Center for Jewish Studies and the German Department.