Alan Nadel, “Footnoting 9/11: The 9/11 Commission Report and Supplemental Reality"
Alan Nadel, William T. Bryan Chair in American Literature and Culture at the University of Kentucky, is the author Invisible Criticism: Ralph Ellison and the American Canon (U Iowa P, 1988), Containment Culture: American Narratives, Postmodernism, and the Atomic Age (Duke UP, 1995), Flatlining on the Field of Dreams: Cultural Narratives in the Films of President Reagan’s America (Rutgers UP, 1997), and Television in Black-and-White America: Race and National Identity (UP of Kansas, 2005). He has published numerous essays, including one that won the 1988 prize for the best essay in Modern Fiction Studies, and one that won the 1993 prize for the best essay in PMLA. His poetry has appeared in several journals including Georgia Review, Partisan Review, Paris Review, and Shenandoah.
Edward Maloney, "Postmodern Paratexts: Footnotes in Fiction"
Edward Maloney is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Georgetown University. He has published works on narrative theory, modernism and postmodernism. His current book project is on artificial paratexts in fiction.